GSDM Annual Residential Study Program



Please bring your own laptop PC with you.
For further details, please check the bulletin board below.
Leadership Seminars: Distribution material for all students_edited.docx
Please dress appropriately.
Think about the situation and what kind of dressing code is good for the occasion.

集合時間:3月17日(土) 7時45分
集合場所:本郷キャンパス 第二本部棟 前駐車場
合宿参加学生対象 本郷キャンパスまでの交通費調査 (回答期限:3月16日15時)
→ 本郷・弥生・浅野キャンパス以外の人はこちらも回答してください。
Message from student committee
【Reminder】Social Gethering party (Spring camp)
Hi Everyone,
We are coordinating social gathering party on the first night of Spring camp and we would like more people to come and join. ( currently only 33 people answered their attendance…….)
The detail is below;
Date: Saturday, March 17th
Time: 8:30PM-11:00PM
Fee: ¥1000 (GSDM students/guest) , ¥3000 (GSDM faculty/ staff)
Place: Exchange lounge
If you have not RSVP yet, please access google form from following link;

  I hope to see you soon at the camp. Have a nice weekends.
Best Regards,
Seina Ohe