
Graduate School of Public Policy
Toshiro Nishizawa
1) Courses
- Sovereign Debt
- Life at an IFI: Understanding, Designing and Debating Macroeconomic Policy
- Case Study (Public-Private Partnerships)
- Case Study (Finance and Development in Emerging Asia I)
- Case Study (Finance and Development in Emerging Asia II)
- Case Study (International Field Workshop)
2) Education & Employment
Mr. Toshiro NISHIZAWA is Professor at the Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP) of the University of Tokyo. Immediately prior to taking his current position, he was Professor at the GraSPP from July 2013 to July 2015 after serving as Director General of Country Credit Department at the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) from April 2011 to June 2013. He also served as Deputy Director General of JBIC Institute (the research department) and Director of Asia Department II at the Japan Center for International Finance (JCIF).
He was involved in JBIC's country operations as Deputy Director General of International Finance Department I (Asia and Oceania) (2004-06) and served as Chair of the UNEP FI Asia Pacific Task Force Outreach Group (2005-06). He held various positions including: loan officer in charge of lending operations at the Export-Import Bank of Japan (1988-90); researcher in the Economic Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1990-93); economist in the Policy Development and Review Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (1994-97); and advisor in the Private Sector Development Department of the World Bank (1998-99).
He has been actively engaged in policy dialogue and research activities with the main focus on emerging and developing economies in Asia. Mr. Nishizawa has published a number of articles and written a chapter in a few publications on economic and financial issues, including Asian economies, financing for development, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and sovereign risk assessment.
Mr. Nishizawa was a guest lecturer and professor at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) of Osaka University (2004-14) and was a visiting lecturer at Chuo University (2004-06) and Kobe University (2007). He was also a part-time practitioner faculty member to teach PPPs at GraSPP from October 2010 to June 2013. He was invited as a visiting professor by Chulalongkorn University in Thailand in March 2014 and by the Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas (EAESP-FGV) in Brazil in July 2014.
He served as a member of the Expert Group on Financial Cooperation with Asian Countries under the Council on Customs, Tariff, Foreign Exchange and Other Transactions (December 2013-September 2014), and has been a member of the IMF Study Group (July 2013-) and a visiting scholar at Policy Research Institute (PRI) at Japan's Ministry of Finance (MOF) (July 2013-). He is also invited by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to serve as a member of the Support Committee for the Project for Capacity Building of Public Private Partnership in Mongolia (June 2014-).
Mr. Nishizawa holds a BA in Latin American studies from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (1982), a BA in economics from the University of Tokyo (1984) and an MSc in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1988).
Mr. Nishizawa was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1959 and is married with two children.
3) Research Fields
International Finance, Financing for Development, Developing and Emerging Economies, Asian Economy
4) Major Publications
- 「一次産品ブームと製造業部門の国際競争力低下:1970年代におけるコロンビア、ペルー、ベネズエラの経験」、『海外投資研究所報』、日本輸出入銀行、1986年4月
- 「ブラジル経済の発展と産業政策:累積債務問題への政策的対応」、『海外投資研究所報』、日本輸出入銀行、1987年5月
- “Financing from Multilateral Institutions,” Official Financing for Developing Countries (co-authored by IMF staff team), International Monetary Fund, December 1995
- “Financing from Multilateral Institutions,” Official Financing for Developing Countries (co-authored by IMF staff team), International Monetary Fund, February 1998
- 「経済発展における外国資金の役割」(黒柳雅明との共著)、奥田英信・黒柳雅明編著『入門開発金融:理論と政策』、日本評論社、1998年2月
- 「変貌を遂げるタイ経済―金融セクターの視点から―」(ピティ・ディスヤタットとの共著)、『開発金融研究所報』、国際協力銀行、2005年3月
- 「マレーシア及びタイにおける日系中堅・中小企業の資金需要・調達の現状」、『開発金融研究所報』、国際協力銀行、2007年10月
- “Exploring the Use of Revenue Bond for Infrastructure Financing in Asia” (with Hyun, Suk and Naoyuki Yoshino), Discussion Paper No. 15, JBIC Institute, July 2008
- 「アジア債券市場への国際協力銀行の取組み」、小川英治編『アジア・ボンドの経済学―債券市場の発展を目指して』、東洋経済新報社、2009年5月
- “Changes in Development Finance in Asia: Trends, Challenges, and Policy Implications,” Asian Economic Policy Review, Vol.6, Issue 2, pp. 225-244, Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER), Wiley-Blackwell, December 2011
- “Risks in Policy Prescriptions for the European Sovereign-debt Crisis: Muddling through or Trapped in a Vicious Circle?” EU Financial Market Focus, Korea Capital Market Institute (KCMI), July 2012