GSDM Student Leadership Award AY2016 Special Effort Prize



   Special Effort Prize : Alba Zurriaga Carda, D2, Dept. of Technology Management for Innovation, Engineering

1. Comment of the Selection Committee
Alba san is very proactive and as such a model for other students. She participated in a number of prestigious international competitions, being ranked among the best students in the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award 2016, and the Hult Prize, in this latter case leading an SIP involving numerous students across UTokyo. Indeed her activism on so many fronts is admirable. GSDM staff recognizes her outstanding achievements and sees the potential for ever greater successes in the near future. However it appears that her activities are mostly related to her own interests, with a relatively tenuous connection with GSDM. She should make efforts to engage more deeply with the core aspects of GSDM, as she has the potential to involve and be involved in activities with other students. Nevertheless, in recognition of her exceptional qualities and as an encouragement to deepen her involvement in the programme’s activities, the selection committee was glad to recognize her as the winner of this year’s Effort Prize.
2. Comment of the Prize Winner
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the GSDM program, for all of the opportunities that they have provided us to learn, collaborate and grow in preparation to becoming global leaders. I am honored to be selected as the special effort prize, and would like to thank the other members of my Student Initiative Project, on Social Entrepreneurship, and all those that took part in our program. Together we have seen that our research and interests can be used to find solutions to the Social Problems that surround us. Thank you very much.