「Case Study (Project Based Learning on the Technological Innovation and the Social Solutions)」(5140741)


5140741 「Case Study (Project Based Learning on the Technological Innovation and the Social Solutions)」

教室 オンライン

10月23日(土) 13:00~20:00
Introduction:Prof.Shiroyama and Prof.Aoki
Lecture/Prof. K. E. Seetharam
(Infrastructure development in Asia, ADBI)
Lecture/Mr. Mitani
(Innovation & Bio startup, ex-CEO of Pharmaceutical company)
10月24日(日) 9:00~12:00 Review of previous reports 【時間変更】
10月30日(土) 9:00~12:00
Lecture/Mr. Robin Lewis
(Social innovation on circular economy, Co-Founder, mymizu, Co-Founder/Director, Social Innovation Japan)
11月13日(土) 16:00~19:00 Consultation 【追加】
12月11日(土) 9:00~13:00 Interim report by groups
1月29日(土) 13:00~17:00 Final presentation and comments by practitioners