■Date |
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Monday, February 5, 2018, 18:30-20:30 |
■Venue |
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GSDM Students’ Room
Engineering #8 Room 536 (Hongo Campus)![MAP](image/Docicon_map.png) |
■Organizer |
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SIP Group No. 7 UTokyo4SDGs
(Faculty member to attend: Dr. Roberto Orsi)
■Summary |
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This Interactive Evening Lounge Session is organized by “UTokyo4SDGs” Student Initiative Project that aims to throw the spotlight on enabling students in identifying ways to broaden ones’ scope of work in fields beyond their area of expertise. We believe that research done by every student will in some way – either directly or indirectly – contribute to global development and the project aims to enable students in identifying the links between their research and the global goals.
Japan is considered highly innovative and is constantly among the top few nations when it comes to the number of patents issued per capita. Universities across Japan are the breeding grounds for scientific advancement and have been the primary drivers of such innovative activity. While some of these innovations transform into enterprises dealing with pertinent societal issues, there is a significant untapped potential we are yet to realize.
This interactive evening lounge seminar aims to inform the students and researchers at University of Tokyo about this untapped potential. The seminar aims to shed light on the endless possibilities that can emerge by turning innovative research into new businesses. We are inviting speakers from two cutting edge technology enterprises – Axelspace and Challenergy – who have used their technical expertise and research skills in advancing the frontiers of space and renewable energy industries – respectively.
The seminar will entail a series of talks by three speakers and interactive discussion among the students and speakers. Following that, there will be a short brainstorming session on how the attending students’ research can be transformed into new businesses.
Each of the three speakers have pursued different pathways before venturing into entrepreneurship. One started the firm right after leaving university whereas the other worked for some time after graduation. One gained inspiration from the research done at school while the other was motivated by natural events experienced in daily life. Two were always engineers while the other ventured into technology entrepreneurship after studying economics and being a business consultant. In the end however, all three of the speakers found their true calling in applying technological innovations to solve pertinent social issues.
Join the seminar to delve into their stories, and to discover the new pathways that work for you, in pursuing your entrepreneurial passions.
■Agenda |
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18:30 – 18:40 Introduction
18:40 – 19:20 Speakers sharing their journeys
19:20 – 20:00 Interactive discussion
20:00 – 20:30 Brainstorming