12月18日(月) 18:00~19:30
(東京大学本郷キャンパス国際学術研究棟SMBC Academia Hall)
写真展示 2017年12月18日(月)10:00~20:00

日 時 2017年12月18日(月) 18:00~19:30
場 所 東京大学本郷キャンパス国際学術研究棟4階SMBC Academia Hall MAP
講演者 イーホル・ハルチェンコ 駐日ウクライナ特命全権大使
写真展示 2017年12月18日(月)10:00~20:00
言 語 セミナーは英語です



The purpose of the photo exhibition and lecture is to introduce to the students of the University of Tokyo contemporary history of Ukraine and its impact on the modern international relations.


Ukraine is one of the major European countries; it is a founding member of the UN and an active player of the international relations. It has geopolitically strategic location between Russia and Europe and has been influenced by both systems. Under these conditions during the Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014 Ukrainian people made a choice to join the European Union and ensure that democratic values are respected. The consequence of this was the occupation of Crimea by Russia which became one of the major global security issues.


The Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014 in Ukraine had a huge impact on both international politics and economics. In result of this revolution Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and therefore had to stop all gas supplies from this neighboring country. By attending the lecture and exhibition the students of the University of Tokyo will be able to get better understanding of political and economic situation which was produced by the revolution in Ukraine as well as offer their ideas of the possible ways of overcoming the difficulties Ukraine is facing now.