「University Civic Engagement and Social Innovation」
7月15日 10:00〜18:00(東京大学本郷キャンパス 弥生講堂アネックス・セイホクギャラリー *会場変更あり)
This workshop in the University of Tokyo aims at framing the concept of “civic engagement” in the Japanese context by sharing knowledge and practices of social innovation both in the U.S. and Japan in which university and citizen are involved. Researchers in Japan now combine research with social problem solving to respond to the requests of the society (university’s social responsibility), but civic engagement, or education through civic engagement, has not been well linked to the cycle of research and problem solving. In order to develop civic engagement in Japan, we should start from framing the concept of “civic engagement” and make people understand its meaning in university’s research, education and problem solving.
In the first part of the workshop, distinguished practitioners are invited to have keynote speeches about their practices and ideas of civic engagement and social innovation. In the second part, a smaller workshop will be organized to deeply discuss the concept of “civic engagement”, the role of civic engagement in social innovation and the role of university in civic engagement and social innovation. This deliberative workshop invites practitioners of civic engagement and/or social innovation, researchers concerned with the issues, and most importantly, students that will initiate or get involved in civic engagement.
9:30 | 開場 |
10:00~10:10 | 挨拶 堀井秀之(東京大学i.school エグゼクティブ・ディレクター) |
基調講演セッション1:司会 小松崎俊作(東京大学大学院工学系研究科講師)
10:10~10:55 | 基調講演1 「i.school’s perspective on civic engagement: The role of innovation education in social innovation and the case of i.club」 堀井秀之/小川悠(i.club 代表) |
10:55~11:40 | 基調講演2 「The significance of civic engagement for US universities: the case of GWU」 Amy Cohen (Director of the Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service at George Washington University) |
11:40~13:00 | 昼 食 |
基調講演セッション2:司会 堀井 秀之
13:00~13:10 | 挨拶 Laura Abbot (Executive Director of TOMODACHI Initiative) |
13:10~13:55 | 基調講演3 「Attempts of civic engagement practices in GSDM Program: The meaning of civic engagement in its global leadership education」 城山英明(東京大学公共政策大学院長) |
13:55~14:40 | 基調講演4 「The cases of social innovation through university civic engagement in Japan: Tsunami protection in Kamaishi and Reconstruction in Otsuchi」小松崎俊作 |
14:40~15:25 | 基調講演5 「The concept and the history of civic engagement」 Susan E. Stroud (Executive Director of ICP) |
15:25~15:55 | コーヒーブレイク (ホール外ホワイエにて) |
16:00~18:00 | ワークショップセッション 「The concept of “civic engagement”, its role in social innovation and the role of university in civic engagement」 (日米の参加者による小規模ディスカッションのセッション) |
東京大学i.school事務局,TOMODACHI WS担当
E-mail : tomodachi@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp FAX : 03-5841-0454