「GSDM Interactive Evening Lounge」
11月20日 17:30~20:00 (本郷キャンパス 工学部8号館536教室)


“Energy from Stars -Prospects for Nuclear Fusion-”

Summary:In this Interactive Evening Lounge, we would like to discuss with experts the following points;
 1.History and challenges of Nuclear Fusion
 2.Current technological progress
 3.Implementation policies
 4.International Cooperation and Political Implications

Date : 17:30–20:00, Friday, November 20th, 2015
Venue : Eng.Bld.#8-536, Hongo Campus MAP



17:30-17:45 Start registration
17:45-17:50 Introduction by Energy Group Member
17:50-19:20 Presentations from 3 Guests
✧Mr. Shinichi Ishida, Director Planning and Co-ordination Office at Japan
 Atomic Energy Agency, Sector of Fusion Research and Development.
 Previously he was director of JT60SA Project, the Europe-Japan
 superconductor Tokamak, now under construction in Naka.
✧Mr. Juan Ramon Knaster, director of the IFMIF in Rokkasho,
  http://www.ifmif.org/. He also has previous experience working at
  ITER international team.
✧Mr. Philippe Cara, Project Manager of LIPAc in Europe
19:20-19:45 Panel Discussion facilitated by Energy Group Member
19:45-20:00 Closing Event, Free Discussion

*Registration required : GSDM_SE Office 【office@gsdm.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp】