「GSDM Interactive Evening Lounge」
7月30日18:00~20:00(本郷キャンパス 工学部8号館536教室)

Date : Thursday July 30th, 2015 from 18:00 to 20:00 (or beyond)
Venue : Room 536, Engineering building 8,Hongo campus, the University
of TokyoMAP
18:00-18:15 : Introduction to the video-projection
18:15-19:00 : Video-Projection
19:00-19:40 : Debate
19:40-20:00 : Spare time for other group activities.
Summary : This IEL will be organised as a debate following the projection of a video-presentation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odKY-vnxwYU) delivered in 2012 by Jørgen Randers, Professor of climate strategy, Norwegian Business School (Oslo), about long term economic and environmental trends from 2012 to 2052. Professor Randers is a distinguished academic and leading environmentalist, whose ideas occupy the middle ground between advocators of the “business as usual” scenarios and the neo-Malthusians pessimists about the future of the current technological civilisation. This particular video has been selected because of the fairly sophisticated and analytical way in which the argument is advanced, and the balance between different instances of demographic, technological, geo-economic change, environmental challenges.
The projection will be preceded by a short introduction in which Dr. Orsi will explain the context of the video, and illustrate some linguistic features in order to facilitate understanding by the audience. The video is 43 minutes long. After the projection, a debate will take place in which students and faculty members will be invited to express their views on the claims articulated by Professor Randers. Depending on the duration of the debate, students will then be able to continue their work, as groups, for the planning of future IELs.
Purpose : This IEL has been organised in order to stimulated awareness and critical thinking about some of the most pressing issues in global politics, not only for the present but even more so for the future, certainly for the lifetime of all GSDM students, namely the complex question of sustainability in the context of long term economic and technological trends.