「 How does drought-tolerant rice help farmers? Evidence from a randomized control trial in eastern India」
1月9日(金) 17:30~19:00
(東京大学小島ホール 1階 第1セミナー室)


By using data from a randomized control trial (RTC) of more than 1,500 farmers in eastern India, this research investigates how a drought-tolerant rice variety, called Sahbhagi Dhan, helps farmers. In the RTC, farmers in treatment villages received 5 kg seeds of Sahbhagi Dhan before the main agricultural season, called kharif, in 2013. The research finds that Sahbhagi Dhan enabled farmers adopt an additional crop, mostly wheat, after kharif because of its short duration. However, its impact on rice yields is inconclusive because a major cyclone and other non-drought stresses damaged rice production significantly in kharif 2013. Receiving a new rice variety seems to have a positive impact on farmers’ perception toward new agricultural technology among the treatment group. The investigation continues as the RTC continues for two more years.

日 時 : 2015 年1月9日(金) 17:30~19:00
タイトル : 「How does drought-tolerant rice help farmers? Evidence from
a randomized control trial in eastern India」
講 演 者 : 山野峰(国際稲研究所(IRRI)教授)
場 所 : 小島ホール 1階 第1セミナー室MAP
主 催 : 東京大学博士課程教育リーディングプログラム