Interactive Evening Lounge
「The Way of Ultimate Leadership」
(本郷キャンパス 国際学術総合研究棟 SMBC Academia Hall)

■Date : Thursday, 28th November 2019, 17:00-18:30
■Venue : SMBC Academia Hall, 4F, International Academic Research Bldg. MAP
■Organizer : Jung Su Lee, Project Associate Professor, GSDM
Kaittisak Kumse, Xiaoxiao Liu, Leilei Bao, Max Berthet, and Kensaku Matsunami on behalf of GSDM Student Committee.
Guest Speaker: Prof. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu, Stanford University
(Faculty member to attend: Jung Su Lee)
■Guest Speaker : Prof. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu, Stanford University
■Summary : This IEL is proposed to provide our students a valuable opportunity to directly learn about the ultimate leadership from Prof. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu, Stanford University. He is the author of the book “The way of ultimate leadership.”
There have been proposed so many theories and models to develop people’s leadership. Thus, to be a leader and to have leadership, students should learn many aspects of leadership, and student yourself should combine and establish your own leadership style someday. It makes you comfortable and lasting your style. Because you cannot be other but you are you.
Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu trained and taught in East Asian medicine, yoga, and psychology in Japan and at Harvard University and the University of Tokyo. His teaching and research at Stanford University balance Eastern and Western ways of knowing, doing, and being in designing gentle, healing, inclusive educational spaces. His work in crossing borders through community building and mindful citizenship by connecting diverse people, transforming self and society, will provide you the essence to have leadership.
Following his talk, we will discuss how to cultivate heartfulness, a way of being based on mindfulness, compassion, and responsibility.