About the Database of GSDM Course Curriculum
We made a database of course curriculum regarding all GSDM students.
This system aims to view the course records and their educational effects.
Moreover, it would become easier for students as well to check the registration history
of the GSDM courses for QE, Research Design Workshop and the final examination.
★Please follow these steps :
You can login course database system using your GSDM ID.
Please access below URL.
Login ID and password are the same with your GSDM ID (number of 5 figures).
If you do not know the GSDM ID, please contact GSDM_SE office.
After login, your name will be indicated. Please contact GSDM office if your name is wrong.
After the first login, you can change your password at [change password].
– – -User’s manual is here.
If you have any question, please contact GSDM_SE Office. office@gsdm.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp