Student Initiative Project
Launch of SIP website – Gender Equality at UTokyo


The SIP team “Towards Gender Equality at UTokyo” is proud to announce launch of the GE (gender equality) at UTokyo website (https://www.ge-at-utokyo.org/). The website introduces our team’s research and development initiatives on gender equality on campus, and is one of our tools for outreach to a broader audience. You can also find links to UTokyo events, institutions and projects related to GE, as well as reference materials which we recommend to develop an understanding of the core issues. On a student and faculty level, we hope the website will inspire greater awareness and action towards GE. On an institutional level, we plan to use this platform to collaborate with the Office for Gender Equality and extend its reach to a multi-lingual audience, and strengthen linkage between existing GE initiatives at UTokyo. A Japanese version of the website is also under development.
   We are looking forward to welcoming you to our website.

SIP team “Towards Gender Equality at UTokyo”.