Online Interactive Evening Lounge
“Charting a direction for GSDM2.0”
February 18th, 17:00-19:00

■Date : Thursday, February 18th, 17:00-19:00
■Venue : Online IEL via Zoom
■Organizer : GSDM Student Committee
■Summary : The aim of this IEL is to decide the future direction of GSDM2.0. The IEL will consist of a discussion between GSDM students and faculty members, in a workshop style format. The flow will be as follows:
– First, the Student Committee will share the results of the GSDM2.0 survey, conducted in December 2020.
– Then, IEL participants will discuss what new projects and activities should be planned within GSDM2.0.
– Finally, together we will create a proposal for new GSDM2.0 content in FY2021, which will be shared with the GSDM Steering Committee.
This is a unique opportunity to voice your opinions on GSDM2.0, and to shape the future direction of the program by directly communicating with other program students and faculty members.