Award-Winning Students
GSDM Student Leadership Award AY2015


Noriko Morioka

1. Comment of the Selection Committee
The Selection Committee has selected Noriko Morioka as the winner of the GSDM Student Leadership Award 2015. Her activities in the GSDM framework have been of outstanding quality and truly reflect the leadership capabilities which are the core of GSDM learning outcomes.

2. Comment of the Prize Winner
I am deeply honored to be given this award. I believe the award is not just for me, but for all the members in the Community Outreach Project and the International Symposium Student Committee in the Student Initiative Projects. I am thankful for the kind support by faculty members as well. The projects were very good opportunity to share our researches with, and present current global health issues to the public. Thought those projects, I could have the broad friendship with other GSDM students with various backgrounds. All the activities in GSDM program encouraged me to see global health issues from multidisciplinary aspects. I would like to exert further efforts in my study to promote public health. Thank you so much.