[Event Information]
GSDM 13th Platform Seminar
“Impact of climate change on aviation biofuel production”
22th April, 2014 16:40-18:00 (Eng. Bld. No.7, 3F ,The second conference room)



Date : 22th April, 2014 16:40-18:00
Title : Impact of climate change on aviation biofuel production
Lecturer : Professor Dr. Michael Palocz-Andresen(Environment and Climate Protection, the University West Hungary Sopron (Oedenburg) )
Venue : Eng. Bld. No.7, 3F ,The second conference roomMAP
Hosted by : 東京大学大学院工学系研究科「機械システム・イノベーション」プログラム(GMSI)
Global Leader Program for Social Design and Management (GSDM), the University of Tokyo
Contact : 東京大学大学院工学系研究科航空宇宙工学専攻 教授 鈴木 真二
E-mail: gmsi-office@pcil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp Phone: 03-5841-0696

Production of bio kerosene is rapidly growing, driven by international efforts to reduce dependence on oil, promote a cleaner environment and protect climate. Biomass is the main feedstock of biofuels, is derived from farming and forestry. It is the fourth source of primary energy after oil, coal and gas.

Drawing from industrial, institutional and academic sources this report summarizes some of the new statistics and trends, and provides an update of current climate scenarios and technologic and strategic solutions to developments in bio kerosene production.

The theses are the followings:
1.Energy plats for bio kerosene production must avoid the competition to food industry
2.Short rotation energy coppices contained a high lignin concentration, are important for sustainable bio kerosene production
3.Climate change causes more extreme weather situation in the most regions of the Earth.
4.Especially drought can intensively decrease biomass production on the World in the next decades
5.Because of climate change exotic cultures will gain on importance in a lot of regions of the world which must be checked under agrobiological safety aspects
6.Irrigation will be more and more decisive for optimal growing and harvesting energy crops
7.Preprocessed and cleaned municipal waste water can be used for irrigation
8.CO2 balance of energy plants must be improved in the whole production process chain
9.Mobile black liqueur devices can increase the economically and ecologically justifiable transport distances between agricultural and industrial are.
10.Use of renewable energy sources during producing and processing of biomass for bio kerosene must be forced.


Professor Palocz-Andresen
Professor Palocz-Andresen has been a whole professor for Environment and Climate Protection at the University West Hungary Sopron (Oedenburg) since 2005. For the Leuphana University Lueneburg (Germany) he has been a visiting professor for Sustainable Transportation since 2011. At the Shanghai Jiao Tong University he has been a visiting professor since 2014 and at the TU Budapest a honorary professor since 1997.