【9/9updated】【correction】Call for Application for World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program on Global Leadership for Social Design and Management (WINGS-GSDM)


The “World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program on Global Leadership for Social Design and Management (WINGS-GSDM)”, a university fellowship program for science and technology innovations, has been launched. 
◎Application Guidelines and Forms
(Application due is 12:00pm Tuesday, September 21, 2021)

◎There are corrections in the Application Guidelines.
【Requirements for the completion of the program 】
1. To earn 12 credits from the GSDM 2.0 course list
The program students are required to earn 12 credits in total including 2 credits from the compulsory course and 2 credits from Project Based Learning courses. In principle, the students must earn more than 6 credits in the first year in the program, 10 credits in the second year in the program, and 8 credits out of the 12 credits must be taught in English.
This is the same as the GSDM2.0 requirement

1. To earn 12 credits from the GSDM 2.0 course list
The program students are required to earn 12 credits in total, 2 credits from the SDGL, 2 credits from PBL courses, and 8 credits from GSPP, AST and IS (more than 2 credits from each Core).
*In principle, 6 credits out of the 12 credits must be earned by the end of the first year in the program, 10 credits by the end of the second year.
*8 credits out of the 12 credits must be taken from English-taught courses.